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Offering a Unique, Accurate Predictive Approach to Assist You With Important Life Transitions, Decisions, and Timing Events

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Offering a Unique, Accurate Predictive Approach to Assist You With Important Life Transitions, Decisions, and Timing Events
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David A. Goldstein, Ph.D. is a full-time professional Vedic Astrologer who received his doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology (1991), with a specialty in Health Psychology from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. He has published research studies, book chapters and journal articles in the fields of Vedic astrology, health psychology, cancer biology and psychoneuroimmunology since the 1980's.
Dr. Goldstein practiced as a Clinical Health Psychologist in the 1990's before pursuing a full-time career as a professional Vedic Astrologer. In the early 1980's he was involved in molecular oncology research in the Nobel-prize winning laboratory of Linus Pauling.
He received formal training and Level II certification in Vedic Astrology through the American Council of Vedic Astrology (A.C.V.A.) beginning in 1995. He continues his Jyotish studies on a daily basis, as the path of Vedic Astrology is his spiritual dharma.
Dr. Goldstein has assisted thousands of clients throughout the world, over the past 28 years.
Specializing in professional in-depth, predictive Vedic astrological consultations to address your personal concerns and questions including:
Jyotish (Hindu Astrology) is a sacred source of ancient knowledge, applicable to modern contemporary life. Predictive Vedic astrology offers both specific details of and the precise timing for major life events. Planning and decision-making are greatly enhanced by gaining this valuable information.
David Goldstein, Ph.D. explains the value of learning about your personal Vedic Astrological chart.
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