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Appointments are NOT available until later in 2025: WAIT LIST ONLY: SEE FRONT PAGE
Mercury, Rahu, Neptune and Venus Dance Together this month:
For March, expect the unexpected, as it is a time when logic goes out the window and communications are likely to be confusing. For "right brain" "out of the box" thinkers, you'll likely enjoy the energy in the air this month and feel right at home. For the more logical, linear, analytical, precise type thinkers, March will challenge you to stretch your imagination and to try to think out of the box. We will witness a large grouping of planets transiting together in the constellation of Pisces, creating a lot of congestion, intensity and traffic in the atmosphere. This is not a good month to count on things going in a straight line. Expect detours, odd, unusual situations to occur, along with random, convoluted explanations for events permeating the airwaves.
Thus it's not a great month for analytical activities, contracts, making final important decisions or for clear interpersonal communications. This is a month to go back over documents and make sure you completely understand contracts, agreements and other situations that you thought you had a handle on---only to find out that you misunderstood what you were getting into.
First, the good news--Venus is very powerful, transiting through the exalted sign of Pisces all through the month of March. Venus retrogrades at 16 degrees Pisces starting on 3/1 and then turns direct in exalted Pisces on 4/12. This particular Venus retrograde offers us a much longer experience of Venus transiting through its strongest position in the sky, bathing us in good Venus energy for March and April, and we had it in February as well.
When Venus is strong, it enhances healing, the arts, pleasures, purchases, real estate matters, relationships and financial matters. It promotes growth, prosperity, beauty, and enhances the finer things of life. In Pisces, Venus is very powerful for spiritual advancement, charitable actions, helping humans and animals, as well as promoting music, the arts, film, photography and travel. So, these domains generally stand to improve throughout March and April, if your chart and karma are so inclined to reflect these types of gains at this time. It is a great month to deepen your spiritual side, to help others and to be more understanding and compassionate. You will then gain from such actions and experience a more blissful state while Venus is moving through Pisces.
However, there are additional complications this month, since Mercury is concurrently transiting in its weakest position, of debilitated Pisces. For this reason, logic, communications, clear decision-making and analysis are more challenged. Then, Mercury turns retrograde on 3/15, one day after the lunar eclipse (Full Moon). Now, Mercury will also spend much extra time transiting through its weakest position through Pisces. Mercury goes all the way back to 2 degrees Pisces, when it turns direct on 4/7. Then Mercury has to work its way back through Pisces until it exits on 5/6 into Aries.
Therefore, the effect of Mercury transiting through its weakest position (together with Neptune and Rahu) during both March and April will reflect even more confusion, calculation errors, misunderstandings, odd, unclear situations and frustrations permeating the atmosphere. Expect travel delays, mechanical breakdowns and technology going haywire during this period as well. Back up all data, your phone, and computer--immediately. Keep a paper trail of important matters. Don't depend on the cloud right now, as that might blow up this month as well. The tendency for all types of communication and Internet issues grows strongly during March and April.
Also, make sure that you truly understand offers that come to your doorstep during March. Are they a scam, completely deceptive and yet coated in attractiveness?? If it looks too good to be true, then it is NOT true and run the other way. The tendency this month is to get lost and follow dreamy fantasies that are pleasant and very enticing. Enjoy the fantasy only in the fleeting moment, but understand what this actually is. Don't act on things that will take you on a false journey and harm you personally or financially, sooner or later, especially once Saturn enters this Pisces mix at the end of this month on 3/29. Then it will just begin to hit you like a ton of bricks--what the truth actually is.
Once Saturn enters Pisces on 3/29, then these fantasies and enticements are going to eventually blow up and there will be a price to be paid over the next two years. To put it directly, don't "trust and hope" and fall for the myriad of scams that are going to multiply this month.
NOTE: I'll discuss the implications of the longer transit of Saturn entering Pisces on 3/29 in the next newsletter.
Venus is also transiting near Mercury, Rahu and Neptune this month. Mercury and Venus are great friends and work well together when conjunct. In this position, Mercury is clearly the weaker planet, since Venus is exalted in Pisces. This combination is what some call the "Einstein effect." Einstein had this Mercury/Venus combination in his natal chart and obviously it did not harm his brilliance. But, he did have other problems functioning in the world related to his debilitated Mercury. So, this is a great period for being inventive, artistic, thinking out of the box, focusing on creative enterprises, doing dream analysis, developing intuitive and mystical faculties, working on musical or film/movie endeavors and looking beyond the obvious. It's a great time to stretch the imagination and get out of your usual routine. But, when you work on your finances or prepare your taxes, be extra careful, and go back over all calculations and documents. Don't expect someone else to get it right. Double check your work and others'.
With Rahu in the mix with Venus and Mercury, this intensifies all of these domains even more so. Desires grow in size under Rahu: Venus/Rahu promotes relationship/sexual desires, purchases, pleasures, growth, beauty, and desire for wealth/prosperity. These areas intensify and can get out of balance this month. The Mercury/Rahu association and Mercury turning retrograde puts Mercury into very high gear, but it is not functioning in its usual way. Mercury gets on "overload" this month. For this reason, the misunderstandings, errors, confusion, mechanical breakdowns, travel delays and technology blowups are more likely.
Neptune in the mix with Venus and Mercury advances the creative spirit greatly. But it also promotes psychosis, delusions, deception, overdosing on drugs and alcohol, escapism from the demands of life and engaging in an unrealistic fantasy world. Neptune enhances creative, intuitive and psychic abilities, on the more positive side. But, that line can easily get crossed to escape from the discomforts of reality and lose one's sense of balance and intelligent understanding.
Pisces is a water sign, and with Rahu churning the waters during March and April, and with the upcoming solar eclipse taking place in Pisces on 3/29 entering into this complicated planetary mix described above, expect extremes with flooding, excessive rainfall and possible problems with the water supply in vulnerable cities and countries, which can include bursting infrastructure. On the other hand, the other extreme of drought, and inadequate water supply are also likely to occur after the flooding and excessive rainfall. This is more likely to occur later in 2025 and into 2026 while Saturn transits Pisces. Accidents at sea will be more likely as well, after Saturn enters Pisces. This will be described in more detail in next month's newsletter.
Mars Transit and Airplane Accidents:
You may recall over the past year, I have discussed the influence of the difficult Mars transit taking place. I had indicated that Mars transiting through the signs of Gemini and Cancer, and retrograding through Gemini are problematic. Mars is the main planet governing accidents. Gemini is an "Air" sign. Mars is highly malefic while transiting through Gemini, as it is the natural ruler of the 6th (accidents/dusthana house) and 11th houses from Gemini Lagna. For this reason, I've been thinking it is a major indicator of the high level of air traffic/airplane accidents that we have been witnessing while Mars has been transiting Gemini. To make matters worse, Mars turned retrograde in Cancer, (it's weak debilitated sign) on 12/6, and then entered the malefic (for Mars) air sign of Gemini on 1/21. The airplane accidents became more numerous since that time. Mars just turned direct in 22:48 degrees Gemini on 2/23. Mars will leave Gemini and enter Cancer on 4/2. Therefore, I believe the month of March continues to be troublesome for air travel and the tendency for a statistically higher than normal number of airplane accidents. This accident tendency involving air travel should abate in April when Mars leaves Gemini.
Separately, once Mars enters debilitated Cancer, that brings the tendency for worse storms, excessive rainfall and flooding starting in April 2025 and continuing into May and June. I think it is going to be a very wet spring, with excessive rains, flooding, drownings and storms and severe accidents at sea.
Total Lunar Eclipse on 3/14 and Partial (powerful) Solar Eclipse on 3/29:
The first lunar eclipse (Full Moon) of 2025 takes place on 3/14, with the Moon in Virgo in Uttara Phalguni, a nakshatra devoted to healing, chivalry and helping others. This two week period between the lunar and solar eclipse (taking place on 3/29), puts great emphasis on healing, and helping others as a form of spiritual practice and awakening. It is a good time to focus on healing, slowing down and turning inward for greater understanding, healing and gaining deeper awareness.
On 3/29, the solar eclipse (New Moon) takes place in Pisces, in the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, symbolized by the back legs of a funeral bed, which suggests the ending of life, or a phase of life, leaving what you have known behind, or transitioning from one level to another level. It takes us out of the material world into the realm of transcendence. Thus, this is a two week period to focus on deeper matters, to be introspective, to observe the transitions of life and deepen awareness all around.
The specific date of Saturday, 3/29, this year is quite intense and powerful. Not only is this partial solar eclipse taking place, but Saturn also enters Pisces, joining with Rahu, Venus, Mercury, Neptune and the Sun and Moon. Wow!! That is quite an intense focal point of transiting planets in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. Not only is this a powerful focus on spiritual transcendence, but it is also drawing attention to different endings, personal and worldly.
Nothing stays the same, certain situations have to come to an end to allow for new growth, which happens throughout the natural world constantly. This body we each have is only temporary, whether we want to cling to it or not. This eclipse and this planetary line-up all point to things coming to an end on different levels. Go deep within yourself in March, to do the necessary letting go and cleansing which will allow you to deepen, improve and rise to a higher level of knowledge and understanding.
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