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The interface between the broad fields of Clinical Psychology and Vedic Astrology has not received significant attention to date. This essay attempts to build an important bridge between these two areas and offers a specific theoretical framework for defining personality while also demonstrating its utility for the practicing Vedic Astrologer. In this regard, there are several important points to be discussed: (1) Definition of a concise personality theory that is presently in use among clinicians; (2) How to pragmatically apply this personality theory with astrology clients; and (3) Review of the primary astrological elements to examine in the Vedic chart to understand the psychology of an individual; and (4) Application of these principles to interpreting a Vedic chart.
While it is acknowledged that analysis of the Rasi and Navamsa charts offer a vast resource for understanding the psychological portrait of an individual, to date only one cohesive theory (Frawley, David 1997) has been offered to explain discrete personality profiles through the Vedic chart. Recently, Dr. David Frawley (1997, 1998) has addressed this important topic, describing the key psychological factors of the birth chart, while incorporating an Ayurvedic conception of the mind, emotional responsivity, physical body and spiritual life direction. In his typology, personality is defined through the three gunas (saatvic, rajasic and/or tamasic qualitites), along with the three dosha types (pitta, vata and kapha). Specific planetary elements, such as assessment of the Moon, Sun and Mercury and the quality and strength of the Ascendant and its Lord, as well as the 4th & 5th house Lords are identified as primary factors for identifying the psychological status of an individual. Other prominent Vedic Astrologers, including James Braha (1998), Dennis Harness, Ph.D. (1997), Edith Hathaway (1999,1995), Nalini Kanta Das (1999), James Kelleher (1997) and Chakrapani Ullal (1995) have discussed how to identify and interpret psychological characteristics from the Vedic chart and/or the implications when counseling astrological clients. Another valid approach to the topic of personality is to examine other derived personality theories from the field of psychology and attempt to analyze the astrological chart from this vantage point.
What exactly is “personality” and and how is it relevant to the Vedic Astrologer? Throughout the 20th century, several classical theories have been proposed (e.g. Freud, 1932 and Jung, 1921) to identify and categorize individuals into certain groups which help to describe the underlying psychological motives of individuals. The term “personality” is derived from the Greek term “persona” which literally means “mask.” Over time, the term lost its original connotation of appearance and moved toward explaining the person behind the mask, beyond the outer perspective. In contempory terms, “personality” is now defined as a comprehensive pattern of deeply embedded psychological features that are largely unconscious, express themselves automatically in almost every aspect of functioning and cannot be eradicated easily (Millon, 1981). Moreover, personality may be viewed as an intrinsic, pervasive pattern of traits which may be outlined systematically along five specific axes.
Based on my experience in psychology and astrology, I have integrated astrological correlates with the following discrete traits (5 axes): (1) Biological (genetic) component (Sun, Lagna, Lagna lord, 6th house), (2) Cognitive style (Sun, Moon, Mercury, 4th & 5th house lords), (3) Emotional responsivity (Moon, Venus, Mars and 4th house), (4) Socio-cultural (1-7 house axis, kama (desire) houses 3, 7 & 11, Mars-Venus relationship, and the Jupiter-Saturn relationship, and (5) Coping strategy (Lagna and its lord, Moon, Saturn, strongest planets/houses and the most afflicted planets/houses). Note the absence of a 6th “Spiritual orientation” axis, which could easily be added to this typology as we apply this theory to the examination of the astrological chart. Each natal chart may be examined along these 6 discrete axes in order to understand an individual’s personality profile. In sum, personality is an intrinsic, complex array of factors which determine how an individual thinks, feels, perceives his world, relates socially, acts, receives behavioral reinforcements, copes with life stressors and orients his life spiritually. Personality may be viewed as the driving force which determines precisely how an individual will approach and respond to his or her life experience.
By using an organized framework or theory for defining personality, we are more readily able to communicate across both fields of Psychology and Astrology, and essentially speak the same language. This lends itself to further research to investigate specific psychological issues and personality styles through the birth chart. Theodore Millon, Ph.D. (1969, 1981) has introduced a contemporary model of personality, the “Biosocial-learning theory,” which categorizes personality into eight basic personality styles and three additional personality patterns classified as “severe.” Briefly, this personality theory, incorporates three discrete axes which together comprise the specific personality styles. These three axes include: (1) Active-Passive Dimension (type of behavioral approach utilized to meet needs = coping strategy); (2) Self vs. Other (level of self-reliance vs. dependence of others for approval and support); and (3) Pleasure-Pain Continuum (orientation toward seeking pleasure and avoiding pain). These three dimensions reflect the types of reinforcements individuals have learned to seek or avoid (pleasure-pain), where individuals look to obtain them (self-others), and how individuals have learned to behave in order to elicit or escape them (active-passive).
Thus, the classification scheme is defined by a 4 x 2 matrix combining the self-other dimension (dependent, independent, ambivalent and detached styles) with the active-passive dimension. The pleasure-pain dimension is incorporated into this classification scheme as well. Also, note that most of these personality types correspond closely with the official Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV, 1994) under the Axis II section of Personality Disorders. The DSM-IV is considered to be the main textbook that is consulted by Psychologists and Psychiatrists when diagnosing psychological and/or personality disorders.
Each personality type has a particular behavioral style, interpersonal (social) approach, cognitive framework, common defense mechanism, emotional responsivity (affect), self-image (ego), and motivational approach to life which defines the category. The origin of a particular personality type is complex and is related to several factors including: genetic-biological predisposition, early learning (historical and past-life influences), family structure, socio-cultural and generational influences, among other factors. Specifically, these personality styles are known as: (1) Dependent or Submissive (passive-dependent); (2) Histrionic (active-dependent); (3) Narcissistic (passive-independent); (4) Aggressive or Antisocial (active-independent); (5) Compulsive or Conforming (passive-ambivalent);
(6) Negativistic or Passive-Aggressive (active-ambivalent); (7) Asocial or Schizoid (passive-detached); (8) Avoidant (active-detached). When certain personalities decompensate and life functioning becomes increasingly more problematic, certain pathological personality patterns emerge. These include: (9) Cycloid or Borderline Personality (mixed-ambivalent); (10) Paranoid Personality; and (11) Schizotypal (more serious form of Schizoid type).
It is important to note that an individual is often a blend of two or more personality styles and not all individuals are necessarily considered to possess a full-blown personality “disorder” even though they may be classified in one or more of the first eight categories listed above. To be classified as a true personality “disorder”, an individual must meet specific criteria and demonstrate prolonged difficulty in several spheres of life function. It is believed that each normal individual falls into one or more combinations of these personality styles and this particular profile determines precisely how that individual will function psychologically and behaviorally under varying situations.
One of the most distinct advantages that the Vedic Astrologer has over the Psychologist is that the former can elucidate both the psychological nature of the individual as well as the timing of significant positive and negative life events. The Psychologist may comprehend the personality profile and accompanying psychological dilemmas, but he or she is unable to make clear and accurate predictions about when stressful life events are likely to manifest and when they are likely to abate. The Psychologist tends to rely on past and current behavioral patterns to make his predictions, while the Astrologer can utilize both avenues of behavioral observation as well as chart analysis. Therefore, Vedic Astrologers have a unique perspective since they can predict when certain life stressors are likely to exacerbate pre-existing emotional or cognitive difficulties related to a given personality style. Moreover, the Astrologer can identify the precise timing of a particular life stressor or event and how that individual is likely to respond to the information that he or she receives from the Astrologer. Different personality styles will respond and cope differently to the same life challenge or stressor.
For example, the Histrionic personality type (active-dependent) has a particularly strong need to socialize, be recognized by the opposite sex, has a dramatic self-expression, shows intolerance for frustration, delay or disappointment, acts very friendly, superficial and flirtatious and is generally the “life of the party.” Affection must be replenished constantly from others for this person to feel secure. This individual takes an active role in being noticed and admired. Yet, this person is also quite dependent on the opinions and evaluations of others for approval. So, this individual relies to a large extent on external validation and he or she tends to focus his or her attention on appearance. If this desire is met, then this person functions reasonably well. However, when this person goes through a difficult Mahadasa period, perhaps a Saturn Dasa with Saturn in a weak chart position, he or she will have a unique struggle that is associated with that personality profile. In contrast, the Compulsive (passive-ambivalent) type is more serious, conforming to societal rules, and maintains control over his affect and behavior. The Compulsive type is highly perfectionistic, orderly, behaviorally constrained, indecisive and rigid, and prefers to remain more private than the Histrionic type. The Saturn Dasa experience for this individual will be quite different than for the Histrionic personality. The Compulsive type may make great strides during the Saturn Dasa and finally feel comfortable and productive under this planetary influence. The Histrionic type may become depressed and have difficulty obtaining the social reinforcements that are so central to this person’s self-image. In sum, the Vedic Astrologer can serve the client by identifying discrete personality patterns. The Astrologer can then assist the client by tailoring the astrological interpretation to address that client’s particular emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral and spiritual orientation as dictated through one’s personality profile.
The interaction of personality style with the operating Dasa/Bhukti cycle may help to explain why certain individuals with particularly “strong” charts still have significant difficulty and discontent in their life experience and conversely why some individuals with “weak” or afflicted charts appear to overcome many of life’s obstacles. Certain personality styles appear to thrive on discord, while other personality types have very little reserve for coping with challenging circumstances. This idea deserves to be formally investigated through appropriate research models, incorporating the Millon personality theory within the context of Vedic Astrological chart interpretation.
Certain behaviors may be observed during interactions with the client well before the session takes place which give important clues about the personality style. For example, the Histrionic type will often approach the Astrologer or Counselor in a friendly, sometimes seductive manner in order to obtain the same positive reinforcements that this individual seeks from others. During the session, if the Astrologer offers positive information about the client, he or she will accept that and view it as complimentary and reinforcing. However, should the Astrologer describe some weaknesses in regard to the personality that could be improved, this individual may become impatient and take that as a personal rejection or dislike by the Astrologer.
Hence, by understanding the over-arching personality profile, the Astrologer will know that this person has a particular need to receive praise and attention and has a harder time going deeper and examining core psychological issues for self-improvement. Perhaps, with these individuals it is better to focus the session on more mundane affairs. The precise information conveyed during an astrological consultation is a matter of discernment by the Astrologer and it is an important issue that is not easily taught. Therefore, use of this personality framework should assist the Astrologer in understanding his client along the 6 axes previously described. By understanding the personality style of the client, the Astrologer will also recognize what information can truly be “heard,” as well as the likely impact of the information on that personality type.
The borderline individual (mixed, ambivalent) is often at first identified by his interpersonal behavioral patterns. This type of client believes that the Astrologer or Therapist can solve all of his problems and is perceived as an omnipotent figure of perfection. He will often flatter the Astrologer, make multiple phone calls and seek extra attention and support at higher than normal levels. This person will also hold the Astrologer responsible for his life failures and future problems, as he attaches himself to the Astrologer for support and relief of his burdens. There is an unrealistic expectation in the borderline individual, such that he believes he is helpless to solve his problems and that someone else should come to his rescue. Yet, he also manages to be disappointed repetitively when he learns that he will have to make changes in his own life choices if he is to improve his situation. Hence, the magical-thinking disappears and he is re-confronted with the same dilemma that he faced with other people from his past. When this type of person realizes that the Astrologer is not perfect and does not have all of the answers to solve his problems, he is disappointed, sometimes enraged and then views the Astrologer as a terrible, incompetent, inadequate person who offered no help whatsoever! The Astrologer faces a difficult dilemma. On the one hand, he would like to offer this person some insight by interpreting his chart, and on the other hand, this individual tends to be unrealistic about what the Astrologer can actually provide. Caution, maintaining specific, clearly-defined boundaries and awareness about the dynamics underlying this personality style are advised when offering assistance to these individuals.
The borderline individual is confused about his identity and how to make appropriate decisions. Their judgments tend to be distorted, impulsive and emotionally-based. Balance and emotional stability are sorely lacking in their life and these individuals tend to live a life vacillating between extreme pleasure and extreme pain, with no consistent pattern. As a “mixed” type, the borderline coping strategy incorporates actively seeking help from others and then withdrawing and rejecting the help that is offered. A typical statement might he heard from a borderline personality such as, “I hate you, don’t leave me!” This reflects the “ambivalence” that they feel in regard to resolving their conflicts with others, wishing they were more secure within themselves and simultaneously feeling needy and dependent on others for support.
According to Millon (1981), the most striking feature of the borderline personality is the intensity of affect and the changeable quality of their actions. Rapid shifts from one mood and attitude to another are a well-known trademark. In addition, there are a combination of at least five of the following factors: fear of abandonment, a pattern of unstable and intense relationships, unstable and immature self-image, impulsivity in at least two areas that are self-damaging (e.g. excessive spending, sexual activity, substance abuse, reckless driving, etc.), recurrent suicidal gestures or threats, chronic feelings of emptiness, inappropriate intense anger or difficulty controlling anger and transient, stress-related paranoia (DSM-IV, 1994). Sometimes an individual will not fulfill all of the above criteria for a full Borderline diagnosis, but he will manifest significant features that are characteristic of this personality profile.
For privacy reasons, the birth data is not offered. This is the chart of a high-functioning individual, with clearly defined features of the borderline personality. This unmarried 31 year old male presents as a tall, handsome, warm, communicative, sincere and pleasing individual who has functioned quite successfully in the business world and in managing daily affairs. Note that he is well-liked by others, is reasonably intelligent and creative in music and the arts. He is highly talented in technical areas involving complex mechanical equipment, computers and in salesmanship. However, he has a particularly unstable and rocky history in regard to relationships with women and this appears to be at the root of his difficulties. While it is important to emphasize that this person is charming, respectful, talented, successful in business and pleasant, he also has a history of emotional instability, anxiety, depression, impulse-control problems, fear of abandonment, propensity for addiction, reckless behavior and dissatisfaction with relationships. He has had many opportunities for relationships, but they all end up disappointing him and he recreates the same difficult dynamic with different women.
Incorporating the 5 axis model presented earlier, the following chart will be examined to demonstrate the borderline features observed in this personality profile.
The Lagna is Libra 27º44’ (Vishakha) and the Lagna lord Venus 29º36’ goes to the fortunate 9th house in the sign of Gemini, constellation Punarvasu. Note that Venus is combust and weakened at 29o (sandhi). Moreover, debilitated Saturn (yogakaraka) aspects the 9th house. Mars, the maraka lord, is conjunct the Lagna lord. Hence, Venus is attacked by three malefic influences including the Sun, Saturn and Mars. The Saturn-Sun aspect produces an egotistical, serious and rigid tendency which is softened somewhat by the Venus conjunction to the Sun. The Sun, karaka for the 1st house, is located in the 9th house, which confers some recognition, good fortune and strength.
For Libra rising, Venus is the karaka for his overall stamina, health, start in life, ability to overcome difficulties and his orientation to the world. Challenging aspects to the Lagna and Lagna lord indicate health problems, a difficult start in life and difficulty in regard to his self-image and self-esteem. In the Navamsa, Venus is vargottoma and in the 1st house, but it again receives malefic aspects by debilitated Saturn and Mars. The borderline personality has poor self-esteem and confusion about his identity. The markedly afflicted Lagna lord correlates with this personality feature.
It is important to note the strong influence of both Mercury (the dispositor of the Lagna lord) and Gemini in this chart. As a dual sign, Gemini is known for its indecisive nature and desire for flexibility and change. With four major planets in Gemini, this person has difficulty making decisions and commitments. He often changes his mind, is unreliable and delays his decisions (major and minor) consistently. These behaviors also reflect the borderline profile. He is also friendly, charming, talkative, possesses a strong curiosity and is interested in pursuing many subjects in typical Gemini fashion. Gemini is a sign that is also known for its strong desires, lust and passions.
It is noteworthy that Venus is also conjunct Mercury, the 9th house lord in its own sign Gemini, forming a strengthening raja yoga in the fortunate 9th house. Mercury itself forms a Bhadra yoga giving it exceptional prominence in this chart and conferring outstanding technical ability and talents in the communications area. This raja yoga has also brought good fortune monetarily through business efforts and it may have saved his life considering his difficult early history.
Examination of his cognitive and emotional status involves evaluation of the Moon, Mercury, 4th & 5th houses and their lords, Sun, Mars and Venus. The Borderline personality is signified by emotional lability, including rapid cycles of anxiety, depression, anger, irritability and chronic feelings of emptiness. The Moon receives aspects from Mercury, Mars, Sun and Venus from the 9th house, which may be experienced as a barrage of stimuli too great to integrate emotionally. These planetary aspects to the Moon reflect the instability of his affect. Even though he is sensitive emotionally, Jupiter’s benefic aspect to the Moon will improve his mental outlook and offer optimism. The Moon in the 3rd house creates a courageous, adventurous and motivated individual with strong desires. The Moon is further strengthened by the fact that it is approaching an exact full Moon in the waxing cycle. In the Navamsa, the Moon is in the 5th house and also receives Jupiter and Saturn’s aspects. So, this individual has the ability to find contentment in life, to be experienced by others in a positive light and to gain emotional comforts, intermittently.
Mercury is well-placed in the 9th house, but also creates nervous tension, fears and ruminative thoughts due to the Mars conjunction and aspects from Saturn and the Moon. His mind is logical, but he is scattered, overwhelmed, highly sensitive, tends to run late and is a bit disorganized. The 4th & 5th lord, Saturn debilitated and at sandhi, is a negative factor for cognitive and emotional functioning. Saturn’s aspect to Mercury, Sun and Venus and the Lagna creates further disturbance in these spheres, including paranoid tendencies which have been observed. Emotional instability and fear are likely to pose chronic problems throughout his life, correlating with the borderline personality.
Impulse-control problems, self-esteem issues and excessive desires (all borderline features) are seen from Mars aspect to the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Saturn’s simultaneous aspect has helped to put the brakes on this behavior which likely prevented him from encountering further difficulties.
Note the 4th house afflictions in both the Rasi and Navamsa charts. In the Rasi, Mars and the 4th lord Saturn aspect the 1st and 4th house. In the Navamsa, Venus is vargottoma and in the 1st house, but it again receives malefic aspects by debilitated Saturn and Mars. The 4th house affliction brought struggles in his early education, severe asthma (chest area), temporary separation from his mother through parental divorce, and prominent emotional problems early on during Sun Dasa. The Sun in the Navamsa is in the 12th house of loss and uncertainty. Undoubtedly, these early life experiences, as reflected through the condition of the 4th house, its lord and the Lagna lord, led to fear of abandonment, another prominent feature of the borderline personality.
One of the most salient features of the borderline personality, is having intense and extreme interpersonal relationships. It is difficult for these individuals to find a partner who will meet their high expectations because they tend to be particularly unrealistic. Perhaps the area of greatest conflict in this chart centers on the 7th house, as noted from both the Lagna and Chandra Lagna. The weak yogakaraka Saturn is in the 7th house of partnership and marriage, aspecting the Lagna and Lagna lord. This Saturn placement creates delays and dissatisfaction in marriage. It may also indicate that the individual tends to be selfish and expects the partner to please him without reciprocity.
Jupiter aspects the 7th house and the Moon which creates many opportunities for relationships. The 7th lord Mars is combust, and receives an aspect from Saturn and the Moon. Mars as 7th lord is also in a raja yoga with Mercury as the 9th lord. From Chandra Lagna, four planets reside in the 7th house (in the dual sign Gemini), creating much intense focus and indecisiveness in the relationship sphere. Therefore, the possibility exists for him to find the right mate, but the process is arduous and requires internal transformation before he can truly be available for an intimate, enduring relationship. With strong Gemini tendencies, he has had difficulty deciding who to be with and at times he has dated two women simultaneously. In the end, he lost both relationships and remains unfulfilled and longing for the right relationship to manifest in his life. Fears of abandonment, lack of self-esteem and the desire for perfection cloud his judgment in this regard.
The relationship dimension is quite afflicted in this chart, but there are possibilities for relief due to Jupiter’s benefic aspect on both the Moon and the 7th house. In the Navamsa, Saturn is in the 11th house (vargottoma) and aspects Venus, the relationship karaka. Hence, the struggle and difficulty in the relationship area becomes magnified. However, Jupiter the 7th Navamsa lord is exalted and is with Ketu which indicates the possibility of finding a spiritual mate who is generous, optimistic and nurturing. The connection of the 7th lord to Ketu might also make the person very idealistic and chronically dissatisfied with his partners
His coping strategies have not been very effective overall, since he has depended on drug therapy, withdrawal and other avoidance tactics to deal with recurring difficulties. Saturn’s aspect on Mercury, Mars, Sun and Venus draws attention to this type of coping strategy. Saturn’s aspect to Mercury, the 12th lord has also created sleep disturbance and anxiety, two major chronic complaints and associated borderline features. Perhaps a combination of meditation to enhance concentration and deepen inner awareness, psychotherapy and physical activity (some form of exercise, martial arts or sports) would benefit this individual. Other remedial measures such as certain yagyas, mantras and gemstones might also be of benefit. Jupiter’s aspect to the Moon will undoubtedly assist him in gaining perspective and overcoming many of life’s disturbances. Also, the placement of four planets in the 9th house, the bhadra yoga and the raja yogas will offer some good fortune in gaining higher knowledge, wisdom, support, career and financial success which will serve as a source of strength for him during difficult periods.
At the time of this writing, he is in the Mars-Sun period and will enter the Moon Bhukti on December 22, 1999. For Libra rising, Mars is a first rate malefic and maraka. Therefore, even though Mars placed in the fortunate 9th house with the Lagna lord gave him some financial and business success, on a personal and relationship level he has suffered greatly. He lost at least three significant relationships during Mars/Saturn, Mars/Ketu and Mars/Venus. The death of his father occurred under Mars/Saturn in October 1996 (Mars is in the 9th with the Sun and is aspected by debilitated Saturn). He has had numerous health problems which were exacerbated under the current Mars/Sun cycle. The underlying borderline personality features were clearly a detriment to him for finding the right mate and having an enduring and healthy relationship during this Dasa. Hence, while it might have been predicted that he would marry under Mars/Venus, (Mars as 7th lord and Venus as karaka for marriage) this did not occur. Perhaps the Saturn aspect to Mars and Venus denied this possibility. The Mars/Moon cycle brings another round of relationship opportunity with Mars 7th from the Moon, ruling the 7th house and Jupiter aspecting both the Moon and the 7th house in the Rasi. Will his personality features continue to block his chances for finding a suitable marriage partner? Under Mars/Moon, emotional turbulence and instability are expected and this will likely impact on his career efforts (Moon as 10th lord) and certainly in the relationship sphere.
The next 18 year Rahu Dasa begins on July 22, 2000. Rahu is in the 6th house of competition, scandals, legal concerns, self-improvement, health and work. For a borderline personality, the Rahu cycle will likely magnify the extreme emotional highs and lows. He will have additional material success, with the dispositor Jupiter in the 11th house of big gains and easy money. However, according to the nature of Rahu, it will be difficult for him to find satisfaction and contentment. Decision-making and judgments are likely to be clouded by cravings to meet impulsive desires. With the identity confusion and mood swings of the borderline personality, this Dasa is likely to bring strong challenges in the areas of decision-making, employing good judgment, not behaving impulsively and in his relationships and career area. He could easily change his line of work and he has to beware of legal problems, theft and difficulty in foreign countries, especially during Rahu/Saturn. Rahu/Jupiter could bring big financial gains in business. Hence, taking the borderline personality features into account allows the Astrologer to get a more realistic appraisal of the likely outcomes during the Dasa/Bhukti cycle.
Incorporating concepts from the Millon Personality Theory along with current astrological knowledge may potentially yield a clearer, more concise picture of personality. In addition, if the Astrologer understands the intrinsic personality profile of his or her client, he will know how this individual approaches life, what his perceptions are, what motivates him, how he handles stressful situations and most importantly, the Astrologer will know how far he can take his client during the astrological consultation. Moreover, it is my belief that for certain personalities, astrological consultations are contraindicated since these individuals are so troubled and disturbed that this information cannot be properly understood. In the worst case scenario, this disturbed client might misconstrue the information and predictions offered by the Astrologer, and this could be damaging for all parties involved. Hence, discernment is indicated when providing information and making predictions from the chart and should be contingent, at least partially, on the psychological status of the client.
While it is understood that Vedic Astrologers are not formally-trained Psychologists, they are still in a counseling position as they offer very personal and profound information to their clients. If the Astrologer can determine the general personality style of his or her client, then the Astrologer will be in a strong position to offer the appropriate guidance and remedial measures sought by the client. The Astrologer will also know what information should be conveyed at that particular time, what should be withheld, and how to offer it so that the information can be heard and understood clearly by the client.
It is my belief that personality style can be extracted from the Vedic astrological chart and that certain predictions can be made according to the interaction of personality style, specific chart afflictions or strengths, and with the operating Mahadasa/Bhukti/Antardasa cycle. For example, the borderline personality will most certainly have a prominent affliction to the 7th house and its lord, in addition to other emotional and cognitive afflictions in the chart. Even if the chart has other redeeming features, this personality profile will most likely work against the person from fully manifesting what might otherwise appear to be a particularly strong chart for success, happiness and spiritual development. Through understanding the personality profile, the astute Astrologer can alert the client to difficult cycles, so that the individual can brace himself and seek appropriate guidance and remedial measures. Future research protocols may be designed to test whether certain chart configurations will help to define particular personality profiles as classified according to the Millon Theory. In the meantime, Astrologers may enhance their interpretive skills and predictive ability by considering personality features and psychological dynamics which are clearly revealed through the Vedic chart.
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