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What is going on in President Joe Biden's Vedic Astrological Chart?
Joe Biden Birth Data: 11-20-1942, 8:30 A.M. EWT, Scranton, PA
The following presentation highlights the salient features of Joe Biden's chart specifically focusing on his current health/medical status as seen directly from his natal (Rashi) chart and evaluation of the relevant varga (divisional) charts. To be clear from the start, I am not offering a prediction about the upcoming 2024 presidential election outcome and this is definitely not an essay about politics and his political future. There is no political agenda here. The goal is to explain in detail, and interpret how his chart appears mainly in regard to his health status. For those readers who are not versed in astrological analysis, you may wish to skip over the substantial astrological details and focus on the interpretation.
First, what are the most important, main factors in Biden's chart that make him presidential? He has Scorpio rising with the Sun prominently placed in the 1st house and his 1st house and Sun, receive the very fortunate and beneficial aspect of an exalted Jupiter from the 9th house governing leadership, wisdom, spirituality, religion, dharma, and good fortune. His Scorpio Lagna and Sun and Venus in the 1st house are all in the division of Anuradha nakshatra, which is devoted to friendship, commitment to honoring one's words and promises, and it confers a desire to understand others and to form alliances across social groups. One can confidently state with this prominent configuration, that Biden genuinely cares about others and wants to be a friend across different groups and countries. The Sun, 10th house ruler in the 1st, makes him a true leader. This is expressed in a Scorpionic way, with intensity, depth, control, persuasion and deep emotion involved.
Moreover, the 5th house and its ruler, in this case, Jupiter, should be strong for anyone with a major political career, and Biden's 5th house ruler is Jupiter, exalted in the 9th house, the most fortunate of all 12 houses. Jupiter aspects his 5th house as well as his 1st house, which point to a life of high elite status and success. These configurations reflect his high intelligence as well.
One would expect that a "president" must have a very strong Sun which reflects the highest leadership skills, ego strength, getting recognized, attaining fame, displaying courage, optimism, and the appearance of vitality, high stamina and strength. The Sun for Scorpio rising rules the 10th house of the career. Having a very powerful Sun governing his career, forming a Raja yoga (yoga of kings) by Jupiter's aspect, in the prominent 1st house (major angle of the chart) clearly shows how Biden has finally achieved this high status position of "president." Along the way, he was also a U.S. Senator and U.S. Vice President, before finally attaining the presidency. His entire life has been devoted to a political career, which is obvious from his chart.
The long delay and complicated road to become president can be seen from several problematic/negative chart factors: #1, Saturn is in the 7th house in Taurus, Rohini nakshatra, and aspects his Sun and 1st house, reducing rapid gains, opportunities and achievements. #2: His 9th lord, the Moon, is terribly afflicted in the dusthana 6th house, aspected by Mars, forming a Bhalarishta yoga. #3: His Lagnesh, Mars (ruling his Scorpio Lagna), is badly placed in the 12th house with Mercury. It's very problematic for the Lagnesh to be weak and in a challenging house position, especially for someone aspiring to be in a powerful, public and worldly position. The commander-in-chief should not have a weak Mars position, in general. #4: Saturn aspects the Sun and Jupiter and Venus, harming them. The fact that Saturn influences the Sun and Jupiter, reflects his serious, persevering, committed, hard-working demeanor. However, Saturn's position in this chart also shows delays in achieving his goals, tendency to worry and some hesitancy to fully demonstrate his leadership skills. Keep in mind that Jupiter's simultaneous, great beneficial aspect to the Sun and his 1st house help substantially, for Biden to ultimately be successful in his achievements, which has in fact manifested in his high career status.
Medical/Health Status as Evaluated from Biden's Chart:
The key factors that must be considered in evaluating any chart for health/medical problems include: the strength/weakness/status of the 1st house, the Lagnesh, the Sun, Moon, 6th house and any afflicted planets and houses across the entire chart. The Arudha Lagna may also be considered. There must be well-defined confluence to establish a particular proclivity to a chronic disease process or area of the body that is likely to experience issues. The timing of such problems can usually be seen from the major and minor planetary periods in force at any given time over the life span.
The planetary transits come into play by showing us when the problem will get worse or improve in a shorter time frame. The D-6 (Shastamsa varga) is specifically used for further delineating illness, disease manifestation and health status, only after the main Rashi (natal) chart is fully understood. All of the strengths and weaknesses have to be considered and balanced against each other, as follows:
The two most afflicted planets in Biden's chart are Mercury and the Moon, which both represent different functions of the brain and mind. It should be noted from his health history, that at age 45, Biden experienced two major ruptured brain aneurysms, which required neurosurgery to correct. He was in Mars/Moon period, which points directly to a bleeding problem involving the brain, right on time. He survived these episodes and obtained the help and support he needed, due to his very strong exalted Jupiter in force, which he sustains throughout his lifetime. However, this strong Jupiter does not fully prevent the problems that are inherent and genetically determined, to manifest.
His Mercury is perhaps in the worst condition, considering all of his planets. Mercury is in the dusthana 12th house, conjunct Mars. Mercury is the main planet that governs communications and this is his greatest stumbling block. He has a known stuttering problem and he has spoken too fast, miss-spoke, mispronounced words, mixed up statements and he has a difficult time getting his message across clearly. When Mars and Mercury are conjunct, speech tends to be harsh, abrupt, irritated, too fast, and pressured. The mind goes a mile a minute and his thoughts and speech get jumbled. This has nothing to do with intelligence. But, his presentation and speech are harmed. Clearly, and demonstrably, he has struggled in the communications department for his entire lifetime, as reflected by this misaligned Mercury. He can read a speech off a teleprompter, but he has greater difficulty speaking off the cuff or spontaneously.
From the health standpoint, Mercury and the Moon are both critical planets regarding brain health and both his Mercury and Moon are seriously afflicted. Significant memory loss, and diagnosable dementia are quite probable for Biden. Note that his Moon is in Aries, which rules the head, the brain, and the Moon is in his 6th house of medical problems. His Moon and 6th house are harmed by the aspect of Mars. Moreover, Saturn aspects his 1st house and Sun which are also involved with the head/brain. Mercury governs communication centers of the brain, as well as logic and information processing. Mars' involvement with both Mercury and the Moon, by aspect, shows the greater likelihood of significant inflammation, bleeding in the brain and loss of mental acuity with aging. Recall that he survived the two major brain aneurysms, but also that there are often significant neurological deficits that appear, after that event, if one survives a brain aneurysm.
The Moon is always critical when it comes to health and mental status, in particular. His Moon is afflicted in the 6th dusthana house, which points specifically to one of his possible health problems. If the Moon were not harmed, then it might not be a big issue, with the Moon only in the 6th house. But, in this case, the Moon rules the important, fortunate 9th house and it is harmed by Mars. This is a Balarishta (illness or death-inducing yoga) found in his chart. Some would say it is dismissed or cancelled due to having an exalted Jupiter in the 9th house. Surely, that Jupiter has helped him enormously, and saved him from an early death. However, it does not erase the presence of this Balarishta yoga. He has suffered plenty of misery in his life in several domains. Unfortunately, this is not good for his health over time, especially now that he has entered the mahadasha of Saturn (more on this later).
The Moon rules memory and when both mental planets, the Moon and Mercury are badly afflicted, there is the greater possibility of either or both mental/psychological disturbances and/or a physiological brain disorder, brain tumor, neurological disease, memory disorder, dementia or other communication disorder, such as caused by a stroke. Biden appears to be a prime candidate for having a stroke (which may have already happened), as witnessed by: badly afflicted Moon and Mercury by Mars, the planet of bleeding; and involving the Moon in the 6th house and in the first sign of Aries, as well as Saturn aspecting the 1st house of the brain/head. Ketu, another malefic influence, also aspects his Mercury and Mars in the 12th house, another negative factor in this mix.
As an aside, his Arudha Lagna is in Virgo, which puts the Moon in the dusthana 8th house, aspected by Mars, an even worse position for the Moon and forming a Balarishta yoga. From this vantage point, Mercury and Mars are in the 2nd house, pointing directly to communication and speech problems.
There is enough confluence, just evaluating the main Rashi chart. However, looking at the D-9 Navamsa varga for further confirming evidence, we can see both Moon and Mercury are slaughtered by aspects from all malefic planets, the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in Gemini (sign that rules communication) and these planets all receive the aspect of Mars as well.
Then, evaluating the D-6 Shashtamsa health varga, it is devastating to see Mars debilitated in the 8th house of chronic disease. Mars is in Ashlesha nakshatra, which is a first-rate position pointing to serious medical problems connected to this Mars. Recall that Mars is Biden's Lagnesh from the Rashi chart, a critical planet for health (rules the 1st house of the body). Even in the Rashi, his Mars is in the 12th house which is not good for health and his overall constitution. So the weak Mars is repeated In the D-6 varga. During the mahadasha of Mars and subperiod of the Moon, he had the earlier brain aneurysms. Moreover, this debilitated 8th house Mars is aspecting his retrograde Saturn in the 2nd house of the D-6 varga.
Back to the main Rashi chart, affliction to his Mercury can also indicate other neurological problems may be present, that might involve his feet or ability to walk. The 12th house and Jupiter both represent the feet, and both are afflicted. Jupiter is retrograde and aspected by Saturn, so Jupiter is harmed in terms of health matters. Jupiter's exaltation in the 9th house has other great characteristics to offer him, but not for health, as Jupiter is harmed. Jupiter also rules his 2nd house of "speech" and while separately, he experienced great fortune and financial prosperity coming from this exalted Jupiter forming a wealth Dhana yoga in the 9th, the affliction to retrograde Jupiter provides more evidence pointing to problems in the area of speech and communications.
It is Interesting to note in terms of more confluence to feet/walking problems, the fact that in the D-6 varga, Biden has Saturn retrograde in Shravana nakshatra, aspected by the debilitated Mars in the 8th house. Planets afflicted in Shravana, especially in the D-6 health varga may point to movement, walking and feet problems if other factors concur in the Rashi, which they do. Saturn in the D-6 sits in the 2nd house (aspected by Mars), pointing to speech problems. Shravana is also involved with being a good listener, so this afflicted Saturn in the D-6, is showing speech/communications as well.
He is also likely to have some hip problems related to Jupiter's affliction, and his 9th house affliction by Saturn in the Rashi. Hip problems are also seen in his D-6 varga, via the debilitated Sun ruling that 9th house, aspected by debilitated Mars. Retrograde Jupiter in the D-6 is conjunct that debilitated Sun and both are aspected by Mars. It is hard to ignore the fragile, rigid gait that Joe Biden demonstrates whenever he walks. Saturn's current mahadasha is definitely playing a role in the timing of this medical problem.
Biden's current planetary cycle: Saturn's Mahadasha:
It is noteworthy that Biden got elected to the presidency at the very end of his Jupiter mahadasha, during Jupiter/Rahu. Note that Rahu is in his 10th house of career and disposited by the prominent Sun in the 1st house. His exalted 9th house Jupiter was bound to help him win during this time. Rahu in the 10th can indicate fame and recognition in the career during its period or sub-period, as was the case for Biden.
However, as of 9-22-2022, almost two years into his presidency, Biden entered Saturn mahadasha, a much more challenging period for him and his family, especially his 2nd eldest son, Hunter. The 2nd child is seen from the 7th house as the Lagna. Biden has Saturn in the 7th house. That discussion is for another time, as I just wanted to point out that Saturn's mahadasha has great influence on many areas of a person's life, not only the individual himself.
For Biden, not only is Saturn more of a malefic planet from his Scorpio rising & Sun and Aries Moon, but he also has Mars and Rahu throwing malefic aspects onto his Saturn, which is harmful and does not bode well for this period of his life.
The main point to stress here is that once Biden entered Saturn's mahadasha, his popularity sank, he could gain little to no credit for his efforts to help and improve the country. His energy level, stamina, public appearance and health began to decline, and he suffered attacks and criticism from every angle, from both sides of the political spectrum. Moreover, he could not effectively communicate or persuade large groups of people to see it his way, no matter how much he achieved or improved things in the country.
With Saturn in the 7th house, note that this is the 10th house from the 10th (derivative) and therefore, the 7th house has an influence on one's career situation, not only relationships. In terms of relationships with others, Saturn in his 7th house makes it all the more difficult to get others to go along with him easily. He is constantly criticized, judged and scrutinized for every word and action, as most presidents are. However, it did not seem to harm him for the first two years while he was in Jupiter. Now that he is in Saturn, that's what he experiences from other people---criticism, obstacles, restrictions, blocks, delays, distancing and coldness. Whatever he tries to do, he gets cut off from one direction or the other.
The saving grace, to some degree, is that Jupiter is currently transiting through his 7th house and over his Saturn through 2024 until 5-14-2025. This offers some degree of protection, support, comfort and opportunity during this time frame. His exalted 9th house natal Jupiter has been a boon to his horoscope and reflects his strong dharma, and surviving tragedies and disappointments during his lifetime. I should also point out that Saturn is well-placed in his D-10 career varga, in the 9th house with the 10th ruler, Moon, forming a Raja yoga there. Mercury is in the 10th house. If his health holds out for the first part of his Saturn/Mercury period, then his work may continue.
In terms of his health, Saturn dasha has obviously been problematic and his health status is likely to decline, especially when he goes into Saturn/Mercury as of 9-25-2025. Currently, Biden is still in Saturn/Saturn. Saturn and Mercury are in a challenging 6/8 relationship, and both Mercury and Saturn receive the harmful aspect of Mars. Saturn and Mercury are badly afflicted in the D-6 health varga as well. Saturn is currently transiting 12th from his Moon, which is not favorable. To make matters worse, transiting Saturn will move into his 6th house and eventually go over his Moon, where it will be debilitated in Aries starting on 2-25-2028. The month of April 2028 is especially concerning, threatening his life, when transiting Mars and Saturn will both be in Aries, go over his Moon and aspect his Mercury at that time, all while he is in the Saturn/Mercury period.
While president Joe Biden has a strong chart, with the powerful exalted 9th house Jupiter and prominent Sun in the 1st house, conferring the ability to attain such a high status in life, he also has two challenged planets that indicate serious health challenges, that of afflicted Moon and Mercury. From his horoscope, Biden's health appears to be in decline and he is prone toward a neurological disorder, stroke, communication problems, bleeding in the brain (aneurysm), brain tumor or disease, memory loss, dementia, difficulty processing information, along with movement, walking, feet, and hip problems, as was explained in detail astrologically. His current mahadasha of Saturn, and the upcoming period of Saturn/Mercury are challenging for his health, which is likely to get worse in the above domains. However, he also has the help of a very powerful, strong Jupiter in his chart which supports and protects him concurrently. Saturn's mahadasha reveals the truth and there is no way out. He will have to confront his health situation and acknowledge it, or face his downfall. That is how Saturn's mahadasha functions.
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