Appointments are NOT available until later in 2025: WAIT LIST ONLY: SEE FRONT PAGE
Appointments are NOT available until later in 2025: WAIT LIST ONLY: SEE FRONT PAGE
Vedic astrological consultations provided by David A. Goldstein, Ph.D. are conducted privately between the client and himself. These consultations offer analysis and interpretation of the client’s Vedic astrological chart. Utmost care is taken to maintain complete confidentiality between the client and Dr. Goldstein. See Privacy Policy
While Vedic Astrology is a powerful predictive science, it is not always 100% accurate. The reason for less than 100% accuracy is due to certain factors including the inaccuracy of true birth times and some proportion of human error. Dr. Goldstein strives for 100% accuracy in every consultation, but he cannot guarantee that level of precision. Your birth data will be checked multiple times prior to your consultation and at the beginning of every session.
Each client is responsible for providing an accurate birth date, birth time (to the minute) and birth location (City (County if known), State and Country.
The information and advice obtained from a consultation should be used as a guideline or roadmap. Each person ultimately remains fully responsible for his behavior, judgments and decision-making process. Astrological information should be used concurrently with rational, logical, intelligent decision-making processes. Clients may use the information from the consultation according to their own best interests, completely at their sole discretion.
All consultations are set up in advance, by appointment only. Interested clients should contact Dr. Goldstein by email using the secure order form which should be completed and submitted directly from this website.
After submitting your order form, you should make the required payment by clicking on the PAY PAL Button on this website. You will be redirected to the Pay Pal website, where you will input the payment amount and submit. All Major Credit Cards are accepted or you can use your Pay Pal account. You do not need a pay pal account to make a credit card payment and there is no fee for using this pay pal service.
Once your order form is received with the pertinent information completed, you will be contacted by email to set up a formal appointment. You will be offered the very next available appointment. If this date or time is inconvenient, then other dates/times will be offered. Your schedule will be accommodated as much as possible. However, consultations are not conducted after sunset (Eastern Time Zone). Keep this in mind if you request a specific appointment time, especially from western time zones.
Consultations are conducted by telephone. Dr. Goldstein will call you promptly at the telephone number you designate when you order the consultation. Be sure to indicate which telephone number you prefer for the date of your appointment.
Prasna (Question) consults and Muhurta (event-timing) consults are completed in writing and sent to you by email.
In preparing for your session, you should be in a quiet, private location where you can focus on the phone meeting without interruptions.
You are welcome to make a list of your questions and concerns in advance of your appointment and have them ready when we meet.
Multi-tasking and/or driving while having your consultation is problematic, disrespects the process and reduces your ability to gain the information in a meaningful way. If you are driving, I reserve the right to delay your appointment until you get to a safe location and can park.
If you use a speaker phone, then be sure you are close to the microphone and speak louder so I can hear you. You may be asked to go off the speaker phone if our connection is poor, or if there are echoes or static on the line.
All sessions are conducted from my office uninterrupted, under complete privacy, quiet and seclusion.
After your session, if you have additional questions, or if you would like more clarification, or information, then a new separate appointment is required. If you send an email with additional questions, these will only receive a response during your next scheduled appointment.
All consultations are professionally recorded onto an audio Mp3 file for your convenience. Both sides of our telephone conversation are recorded, so when you review the session, you will also hear your questions/comments.
If you prefer not to have a recording of your consultation, simply inform me and a recording will not be made.
Once your session is completed, the recording of your session is saved for a period of one year and then it is deleted. All audio recordings are maintained in “the cloud” on a secure server system. If you lose your copy, a back-up copy will be emailed to you free of charge up to a period of one year. After that time, it will be impossible to access previous recordings since they are deleted after one year from your appointment date.
Payment is due at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. If payment is not received by the deadline, you will be contacted once and offered the opportunity to render payment. Appointments are subject to cancellation if payment is not received prior to the session.
Payment by credit card may be made securely by clicking on the PAY PAL button directly from this website, All Major credit cards are accepted.
Payment may be made by personal check or money order, provided the payment is received prior to your scheduled appointment.
Checks should be submitted to: “Dr. David Goldstein” and mailed to the following address:
P.O. Box 905, Pisgah Forest, NC U.S.A. 28768
If payment is submitted by check or money order, you may indicate this on the order form, and continue to submit the order form directly from the website, before mailing your check. You may then mail your check separately. Please be sure the name on the check is referenced on the order form, so you will be properly credited.
Since appointments are set in advance, it is important that you do your best to keep the date and time slot agreed upon. Understandably, due to unforeseen circumstances, personal situations arise and an appointment must be rescheduled. A minimum of 48-hour notice is requested to change your appointment to a later date. You may email or call to change your appointment to a later date.
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